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sots art
from October, 21 2007 to January, 21 2008
From October 21st to January 20th, la maison rouge presents Sots Art: Political Art in Russia. The exhibition will retrace the development of a movement which, from the early 1970s and in the wake of Socialist Realism, would stand out as the first original art movement in Russia since the 1920s avant-garde.
Sots Art will be chronologically staged in all the foundation’s rooms, from the origins of the movement to its influence on contemporary works.
The term was coined in 1972 by two Moscow artists, Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid, as a take on Pop Art, "Sots" being a contraction of Socialism and Art.

exhibition sponsors : Tretiakov Gallery (Moscow), Fondation Société d’encouragement des Beaux-Arts (Moscow), Ekaterina Foundation (Moscow), Novi Foundation (Moscow), laboratoire ProLab (Moscow)
Andrei Erofeev
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