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Carte blanche à Hervé Di Rosa au mk2 Bastille
Sunday, January 22nd at 11 a.m.
Showing of « Scorpio Rising » by Kenneth Anger (1964) followed by a meeting with the artist and Vincent Di Rosa, film director.

In the territories of the modest art, imagined by Hervé Di Rosa, the field of the cinema is not only inhabited by the popular cinema, but also by a hidden cinema, more marginal. Pionnier of the underground, Kenneth Anger had invented this practical : it consists in making movies whatever it costs. It is useless to wait for a studio or a producer to support him, he makes movies with what he has on hand, his entourage for the casting and the scenery and the costumes are handmade. This practical has forged an aesthetic which influenced and still influences the industry, from the video clip (he almost invented it) to Martin Scorseses or Nicolas Winding Refn’s movies.

Price : 6,5 €

Reservations : here
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Practical information
Price : 6,5 €

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